Encora Talent is an innovative and up-to-date programme that was born in 2020 with the intention of attracting and retaining new talent, as well as nurturing those who are already part of our great team.

As a student, you will find Encora an ideal place where we carry out training projects of great interest to a wide range of student profiles. We are not only interested in your education, but also in the values that define you as a person and as a fellow student, which will make your time at Encora a unique experience. 

Información general de Encora talento

In addition, we collaborate with different training centres in Spain and Mexico, so we have professional training profiles, university studies and master’s degrees. All this has allowed us to create multidisciplinary teams that complement each other, promoting team synergies and actively collaborating in projects related to their studies within the different areas of Encora, and being in different parts of the world!

We have the best tutors and colleagues to guide and accompany the new incorporations in this experience, making the work a second family. They manage to enhance the innate abilities that are developed throughout their learning stage at Encora. The result of this union, are very capable professional profiles, not only at a knowledge level but also at a human level.

We are increasingly relying on the new generations as a key complement to our organisational structure to face the future.

For this and many other reasons, we are very proud to be able to do our bit in the training and development of what are and will be great professionals and give them the opportunity to grow with us.  

Información general Encora Talent


ADN Talento Encora

We are committed to
innovation as an engine for growth in a constantly changing sector.

We believe that communication is crucial to achieve synergy between teams.

We have an equality plan in place that demonstrates our commitment to equity.

We care about
sustainability by taking care of the planet to leave it better than we found it.

We encourage the growth of each of our talents by offering them the best training.


Meet the young talents who have joined the department where they did their internships.

Find out what they have to tell you about their internship experience at Encora.

We encourage you to meet the rest of the Encora Team

Hi, I'm AINA!

How do you rate your time at Encora?

«My time at Encora has undoubtedly been a turning point in my life, both academically and professionally.»

Hi, I'm Xisco!

How did you feel at Encora?

«I felt at home, they are a family. If I ever needed anything, there was always someone willing to help me.»


Meet the talents who interned with Encora from Mexico in 2021 and are now part of the Encora Team. 


What challenges do you think you will face in this experience?

«The main challenges I think I will face are managing and learning about ICT and cyber security issues.» 


What are your expectations of this opportunity at Encora?

«One of them is to be able to learn, acquire knowledge and skills that allow me to develop and grow personally and professionally.»


Find out what the students who have developed their talent at Encora during the 2020-2021 academic year think.

We are convinced that they will achieve everything they set their minds to!

Toni Encora - talento

Hi, I'm TONI!

What did you expect from this opportunity?

«From the first day they have exceeded my expectations by far. Whenever I have had any doubts they have always helped and supported me.»

Hi, I'm Marina!

What surprised you most about Encora?

«Encora sees your strengths and weaknesses in you and helps you to improve and provides training opportunities for you to grow.» 

FotoDavid 600

Hi, I'm David!

What would you recommend to others in your position?

«I am always supported by my tutor or by my other colleagues who care about me. It’s been a very fun internship.» 

can we solve your doubts?

In this section you will be able to solve any doubts you may have about the internship and talent programme at Encora.

It depends on the centre where you are studying. 

The usual internship period is between 3 and 6 months. You will work between 4 and 8 hours a day during this period.

We have been using the telework model for our consultants for 14 years. That’s why we want to offer the same experience to those interns who want it, and it helps us to be more sustainable for the planet and supports our working model. 

It also helps us to be more sustainable for the planet and supports our working model – it’s a success!

At Encora we promote work flexibility in order to have an excellent working environment and to be able to combine work and personal life.

All of this will depend on the characteristics and needs of the position to be covered. 

Yes, we usually offer a grant to the student as we value the effort and time they put into Encora.

The trainee will have two tutors, one from Encora and the other from the school.

There will be daily and weekly monitoring of the tasks to be developed. We believe it is very important to offer this support to the trainee so that they can learn well and at their own pace.

Candidates usually go through a series of interviews so that we can get to know them.

The first interview will be with the Head of Talent.

Subsequently, another interview will be held with the person responsible for the area of interest of the internship, in order to find out the technical details of the position to be filled, as well as the tasks that will be carried out during the internship.

Depending on the position for which you apply, there is the possibility of having to take a practical test or even another final interview. 

Candidates are kept informed of the process at all times.

Yes, in fact, we are delighted to be able to give interns who are with us the opportunity to join the team, whenever we have a vacancy that matches their skills and expectations. 

You can check out what the experience of our most recent recruits has been like. 


The first class of Encora’s Talent programme has already finished their internship experience with us. 

If you want to be part of the next class, keep an eye out for new opportunities.

You can be the next one!

How do you rate your time at Encora?

«My time at Encora has been, without a doubt, a turning point in my life, both academically and professionally.

Since the first day I walked through Encora’s doors, my evolution in terms of learning has been brutal. I am constantly learning new things that are undoubtedly very relevant and necessary.

I would like to highlight that the working atmosphere is unbeatable. Previously, I have had the opportunity to do internships in many different companies and I have never been welcomed as well as I have been at Encora. I have really felt that I am part of everything that happens in the company and that I am taken into consideration. It’s no longer about work, it’s about friendship and family. 

I encourage anyone who wants to have an opportunity like I have had, or any of my colleagues, to join the Encora Team. You won’t regret it.

Aina is the head of Encora’s marketing department.

How have you felt in Encora?

«I have felt at home, they are a family who help each other, if at any time I needed something there was always someone willing to help me and/or teach me and waste their time with me.

Working with a professional by your side gives you security and motivation, which makes you feel more comfortable working and wanting to show what you are worth. Add to that working here gives you a feeling of comfort almost as much as if you were with your own family and that’s thanks to the fact that they work here as if they were one big family and help each other.

I have learnt a lot in just three months of work experience that have flown by

Xisco is helping in the systems and cybersecurity department of Encora as SYSOPS.

What challenges do you think you will face in this experience?

«Manage and learn things related to ICT and Cybersecurity, which will help to test the current skills that you have and those that you are about to learn. In addition to growing as a person, overcoming any obstacles that may arise with the accompaniment of people specialised in the area.»

Miguel is part of Encora’s IT department as SYSOPS.

What are your expectations of this opportunity?

«I have great expectations, one of which is to be able to learn and acquire knowledge and skills that will allow me to develop and grow personally and professionally. In addition, having the opportunity to be part of the Encora family once I finish my internship is a challenge that motivates me even more.»

Miguel is part of Encora’s IT department as SYSOPS.

What did you expect from this opportunity?

«Due to previous experiences I had had doing internships, my expectations were quite low, but from the first day they have exceeded them by far, as they have always helped me at all times, they have taught me the procedures and they have always solved my doubts.

They made me feel useful and that my work was of some use. As the weeks have gone by, I have felt more productive and more responsible.

The atmosphere in the office and the behaviour of the colleagues is very good, you can tell that it really is a team and that each one’s strengths are valued.

From the very first moment they know what I like, where I can stand out and where I can contribute the most to the team, and my work has been partly aimed at this to get the best out of me.

In short, I expected little and I have been GREATLY SURPRISED to see the level of involvement they have had with me and with all my colleagues at Encora Talent. I couldn’t be more grateful to them.»

Toni was helping in the administration department of Encora.

What has surprised you most about working at Encora?

«The constant learning in a multidisciplinary working environment is what is really surprising. 

The first surprise is the pleasant onboarding that facilitates a gradual incorporation into the hectic pace of work, but which is made very pleasant thanks to the communication and support between all members of the company.

It is surprising that Encora sees your strengths and weaknesses in you and helps you to improve, gives you all the facilities you need to adapt, provides you with training opportunities so that you can grow and offers you the support you need. 

It is surprising to be surrounded by a synergetic team and to be able to learn a little from each of them. It is also surprising to see the horizontal form of communication, where criteria and empathy are valued more than the position you hold.

In conclusion, being part of Encora Talent means being part of a project where the aim is to bring out talents you didn’t even know you had. It means having the desire to continue learning and growing in your professional life.

Marina was helping in the marketing and administration department of Encora.

What would you recommend to others in your position?

«Online internships can get a bit boring, but at Encora they become more enjoyable with the meetings and the guidelines they give you to help you continue doing your work.

Despite being the only one in the department, I am always supported by my tutor or by other colleagues who are attentive to me.»

David was helping in the IT and programming department at Encora.