What is Okta?

Okta is the leading digital identity and access management solution.

Cloud-based, it allows to manage user and supplier access to corporate tools, located both on-premise and in the cloud. The main objective is to provide a layer of security and control around the digital identity. All users, applications and corporate services will be protected through advanced security policies and authentication standards such as Oauth 2.0 or OpenID.

Encora is a certified Okta Partner. If you are concerned about cybersecurity and the protection of the digital identity of your employees, contact us and we will study your case without obligation, we have extensive experience in this type of projects. 

Here you can see some testimonials from our clients. Meet the Encora Team, the soul of our company.

If you have a cybersecurity project and your company is in Spain or Mexico, we will help you. Learn more about our Cybersecurity portfolio here.

Learn about the latest security alerts that may affect you, from Encora.

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Zero Trust

Encora's Services


If you are thinking of strengthening the security of your digital identity, Okta is your best option. At Encora we help you throughout the entire process, from the definition of the project to its final implementation, ensuring that the integration process is agile and simple, in order to have your company’s digital identity well protected in record time.

support in integration

If you have already started your project and need support in the integration of your Apps, do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help you.

Digital identity management

Thanks to this software and our extensive experience in digital identity projects, we implement a robust, proven solution, fully adapted to your needs.

If your IT team does not have the resources and/or time to manage the digital identity platform, no problem. At Encora we are experts in offering customized services, that’s why we help you manage this product and all the others you need to ensure that your users’ experience is the best.

Rely on Encora Power, Encora’s trusted managed services.

Okta's modules

Universal Directory

Manage different identity sources centrally.

Multi-factor Authentication

Add two-factor authentication to strengthen your users' login.

Lifecycle Management

Automates application provisioning to users.

Single Sign-On

Simplify the login process in all your applications.

API Access Management

Secure calls between APIs and services.

Advanced Server Access

Secure access to your servers from anywhere.


Most common questions and answers we receive in Okta's projects

Can I integrate multiple ACTIVE DIRECTORYs?

That’s right, with Universal Directory we can integrate as many active source directories – AD or LDAP – as we want.

There is no need for company mergers or trust relationships between different domains.

Which applications does it integrate with?

Natively integrates with more than 6,000 applications, including cloud, on-premise and hybrid apps.

It is also possible to create a customised connector for any application, using SAML or SWA authentication standards.

Can I use an already purchased MFA solution in Okta?

Yes, no problem. In addition to Okta Verify which is the free native tool provided by this manufacturer. If you already have an MFA tool in your organisation, you can also integrate it into this solution.

Different types of additional MFA validation are supported: SMS, voice call, email, DUO Security, Google Authenticator, Symantec VIP, RSA SecurID or U2F FIDO tokens (Yubikey or Titan Security Key).


Indeed, this comprehensive product is designed to make life easier at all levels. One of the use cases is precisely to delegate the provisioning part (Lifecycle Management) to the HR department.

In this way, HR can assign applications when the employee is hired or, on the contrary, automatically remove accesses when the employee leaves the company.

How much does Okta cost?

Okta is licensed per number of users on an annual subscription basis.

Each module has a cost per user. The approximate minimum annual cost is $1,500. That is, about $125 per month per user.

Does it INCLUDE logging and auditing of logins?

Of course. Okta records all user and administrator activity. You will have a complete audit where you can view details such as source IP, geographical area, device used, login method used, action taken, security policy applied, etc.

It also has a section where you can schedule custom reports.

use cases

Okta caso de uso fusión compañías


If your company has merged with another company or has acquired one or more companies, with Okta you can have a centralised point of management and authentication of your users.

Okta allows you to unify all your active directories and also the authentication of all your applications or services, whether they are onprem or Cloud.


Simplify the provision of applications when users join your company. This task can of course be delegated to HR.

Likewise, when the employee leaves, you can automate the termination of the employee and access to information.

Okta Team


The password is no longer a secure element of authentication. Add a simple, secure and strong two-factor authentication with Okta.